
Throughout my life, I have counted on developing myself in three different work areas. When I was about eight years old, my biggest dream was to be an astronaut, I used to watch stars with my telescope, and I studied the planets and constellations, until I realized that only Americans could travel into space.

Then, when I was ten years old, my dream was to be a commercial pilot, and to know the world by flying airplanes from Chile to Italy to visit my family and eat pizza next to the sculpture of David by Michelangelo, located in the Cathedral of Santa María del Fiore in Florence.

Finally, my dream job since I was thirteen is to be a sailor, it is a profession that has caught my attention because my father is an ex-soldier and he instilled in me as a child, partisan values, caring for and respecting the country that represents us. If one takes into account that more than 90% of the national foreign trade is carried out by sea, it can be concluded that Chile possesses an essentially maritime nature, which is not limited only to its coasts and, therefore, requires an efficient and modern, equipped with all the necessary means to fulfill its obligations in this vast oceanic area, where its interests develop.


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