A Specials Holidays

Traveling around Iquique

In January of the year 2017, my family decided to go to Iquique, Tarapacá Region, because my aunt live in this city a long time ago, when we arrived we realized that the airport were very far to the center of city and we had that to take a taxi, when we saw the city, it was something like this:

The first thing i did when i arrived was to play a Beach Volleyball game with the locals.

This experience was very fun for me, because it gave me the chance to test my skills for this sport. On this trip I also did something a little more extreme, I jumped from 500 meters and I flew in paragliding.

I realized that the people in Iquique are very worried about their health since there were many who went out to run and exercise on the waterfront. It is a big city, full of surprises and joy, it is hot but not too much, and it has very interesting activities to do in company and have fun as a family.


  1. How great, how is it to fly in a paraglider ?, I would be scared :o

  2. 500 meters?!? that is incredible . I've never released on paragliding


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