Nano-world Carbon

Carbon NanoTube

The nanomaterials are materials of which a single unit is sized between 1 to 100 nanometers.
Nanomaterials research provides support to research in microfabrication, and it is in the latter that our carbon nanotubes appear.

Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. These cylindrical carbon molecules have unusual properties, which are valuable for nanotechnology, electronics, optics and other fields of materials science and technology.

The nanotubes are basically divided into two types: Single-walled and Multi-walled





A carbon nanotube can be as thin as a few nanometers, but can be as long as hundreds of microns. To keep this in perspective, if your hair has the same aspect ratio, a strand will be more than 40 meters long. This nanotubes are also important for the health area but not precisely because they are beneficial.
Carbon nanotubes are highly carcinogenic, now researchers have shown for the first time in mice that long, thin nanomaterials called carbon nanotubes can have the same carcinogenic effect as asbestos: they can induce the formation of mesothelioma. The findings were observed in 10% -25% of the 32 animals included in the study, which has not yet been replicated in humans. The work appears on November 6 in Current Biology.


  1. carbon is a very interesting element, even in nano world

  2. the shape of nanotubes is beautiful !

  3. It´s sad that this technology has a cancer related problems.

  4. carbon is a element with many interesting and important properties.

  5. Wow! the carbon is my favorite element, nice topic :D

  6. I had never heard about carbon nanotube

  7. I had to read a paper about nanotubes, they are very interesting.

  8. I had that study about carbon nanotubes (like Francisco, I had to read a paper), is very interesting this them, it have a lot of physical-chemistry properties that do it a good material for create new technologies

  9. wow! I did not know that carbon nanotubes are carcinogenic


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