Ideal Pet

Is the dog the best friend of man?

Maybe it's not completely true for many people who really hate dogs, but for me, when choosing the ideal pet, in my case it would be a dog.

I have never had pet, the reason is very simple, my sister is allergic to many things, including the hair of various animals, and also, other reason is your fear of dogs, the option to choose another kind of pet such as a reptile, it wasn't considered by me, since I think they are very boring.

In my opinion, the best breed of dogs are the shepherd dogs, especially, my favorite, the Dutch Shepherd.

The Dutch Shepherd on average weigh between 50 - 70 pounds and the height varies between 55 - 63 cm, originally the main function of the Dutch Shepherd was to keep the sheep away from the crops, and help the lowering of cows in the Dutch lands.

I like this breed of dog because it was on verge of extinction due to the great war and very few live specimens were left for reproduction.


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