General Training Course of Volleyball


Specificlly CFG of volleyball (General Training Course of Volleyball) is a subjet of University of Chile that teaches the basics about the subjet, in this case Voley. In this CFG I learned what teamwork means, since I already knew how to play and I do it professionally, therefore, when I took the course, I knew that I would meet people who wanted to learn to play, for this reason, I had to collaborate with my classmates, teaching them how to take a position on the court with regard to the ball, etc.
It was a good experience for me because I learned to be tolerant, and in that subject I made very good friends, nice people with whom I still have contact every day.

I recommend the volley cfg for all those people who want to start in this sport and are at the zero level, in this course you can enter without knowing anything, but when you leave, at least you will have basic notions about the subject, and maybe more In the future, they will be able to enter big clubs in the country and even become part of the national team.


  1. Wow? Professionally, like they pay you money for playing volleyball? That sounds like you don't need to be a chemist, haha...


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