The Pharmaceutical Chemist

The Pharmaceutical Chemist

He is a health professional, specialist in the knowledge and development of medicines and other biologically active substances, both in their beneficial effects and as toxic for human health.
He is a special professional because is a person committed to the health of patients, he is a great leader and he has an incredible ability to work as a team, he is able to innovate and keep learning.
The mission of the pharmacist in society, is to bring the medicine to the population, that each person has access to it, through an academically qualified professional.

This profession is very attractive for the experimental part that has included, made for those people who like to be doing new things and innovate in the work, but also, this career can be very focused on all that is research and scientific discoveries, it is the attractiveness of this career, how versatile it can be.


  1. Great blog! do you like the investigation area?

  2. I also study chemistry and pharmacy, it is an excellent and very interesting area :D


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